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10/03 桃園物流園區廠務物管人員丨Property Management

  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

About the role... 物管人員在我們的物流園區擔任重要的溝通角色,讓進駐園區的客戶在這裡有更好的「進駐體驗」。目前團隊在大桃園地區有多個地點需要物管團隊的維護,各園區有多元的倉儲類型如自動化倉儲與冷凍倉儲等,我們需要你落實園區內各

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 智慧物流解決方案規劃師丨Smart Logistics Solution Planner

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

About the role… 物流解決方案處提供軟硬體整合的解決方案來升級產業的供應鏈,透過自動化設備如AGV機器人來協助各產業的物流營運。規劃師/系統分析師負責與客戶溝通需求並執行倉儲自動化解決方案規劃。 What you will do

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 智慧物流業務行政專員丨Admin

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

About the role... ERP系統可以協助掌握公司的資源,配合目前公司導入相關管理系統,我們開立了行政專員的職缺來協助團隊,藉由日常的文件管理與定期分析,協助追蹤物流解決方案團隊中專案與計畫案的行政內容。也期待這個角色未來能更全面了

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10/03 櫃台總機丨Receptionist

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

About the role... 櫃台總機是外賓接觸公司的第一線重要窗口,此職位主要負責來訪訪客接待、電話接聽及公司各類收發文。此外,也會協助維繫總部辦公室的日常運作,包括中午訂餐、下午茶安排、總務採購以及器材和公務車的管理等。作為行政團隊的重要一員,期待這個角色能夠有效協調各項櫃台行政業務,以支持公司業務及運營的流暢。 What you will do... 1. 公司前台來訪訪客接待 2. 公務電話接聽及來電篩選 3. 公司文件及信件收發與分類 4. 行政文書資料處理及歸檔 5. 辦公室午餐及下午茶訂餐 6. 文具及庶務用品採購 7. 公司器材及公務車管理 8. 行政發票統整、請款及核銷 9. 公司各項福利活動辦理協助 10. 其他主管交辦事宜處理 Who you are... - 與人為善樂於互動 - 反應敏捷且觀察敏銳 - 心思縝密 What skills are required... 1. 無相關經驗、應屆畢業生可 2. 具備總機、櫃台或海外賓客接待經驗者佳 3. 具備中等以上英文能力者加分 4. 具備小客車駕駛執照者加分

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10/03 桃園自動化設備工程師 丨Automation Equipment Engineer

  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 3年以上
  • 專科

About the role… 從地產的角度起家,以改變物流產業為目標,永聯物流開發致力於提供給客戶符合物流營運效率及需求的「智慧物流的解決方案」。尋找具自動化設備專業背景的夥伴與機器和諧運作才能達成物流營運的目標,以增加物流營運的效能並能協助

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 智慧物流硬體產品經理丨Smart Logistics Product Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

About the role… 物流解決方案處提供軟硬體整合的解決方案來升級產業的供應鏈,透過自動化設備如AGV機器人來協助各產業的物流營運。OMega將是下一世代的智慧物流倉儲,透過共享的自動化設備來縮短供應鏈。智慧物流硬體產品經理具備豐富的

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 智慧物流專案經理丨Smart Logistics Project Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

About the role… 物流解決方案處提供軟硬體整合的解決方案來升級產業的供應鏈,透過自動化設備如AGV機器人來協助各產業的物流營運。OMEGA將是下一世代的智慧物流倉儲,透過共享的自動化設備來縮短供應鏈。智慧物流專案經理具備豐富的知識

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 專案PM Project Management

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

About the role… 永聯物流開發致力於「運用科技將原有產業升級且規模化」。身為創新先驅,我們正在打造一系列前瞻性數位產品,為地產、倉儲等核心事業群注入科技活力,打造顛覆性的商業模式,創造智慧化產業的新價值。 我們正在尋找一位充滿熱

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 資深系統工程師丨System Engineer

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

統操作。 - 熟悉AWS/Azure 和VMware 平台操作 - 具有下列證照者佳:RHCE、VCP 永聯物流開發的願景是「Change For Better」,並以「讓物流產業更簡單、更聰明、更永續」為目標,我們期待不同專業人才互相

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 主辦會計(副理/經理)丨Chief Accountant (Assistant Manager/Manager)

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 7年以上
  • 大學

進行優化,同時接觸跨部門專案執行、SAP整合及稅務申報。未來除母公司永聯外,也將規劃物流服務及海外等子公司帳務管理及合併報表編制等發展及輪調機會。歡迎熱愛挑戰及對未來發展有想法的你,加入我們並與團隊一同成長! What you will do..

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 行銷及公關丨Marketing & PR Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

About the role... We're hiring a Marketing & PR Manager to build and maintain an identical public image and leading role for ALP by communicating key values and messaging, accomplishments, thought leaders, perspectives and points of view to be shared externally. This role will be tasked with fielding questions from the public and the media, facilitating park tour visits, pitching stories to the media, preparing media kits, and organizing press conferences. As the Marketing & PR Manager, you will work closely with the CEO and other internal stakeholders in Taiwan and SEA to develop and execute fully integrated multi-channel engagement media events that build ALP group’s branding and optimize business opportunities. If you are passionate about creating unique and memorable experiences, possess excellent organizational and communication skills, and thrive in a fast-paced environment, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity. What you will do... 1. Develop and implement communications strategies to assist company image, increase sales and business opportunity 2. Ideate, plan, manage and execute creative and strategic corporate communication plans to promote ALP’s key initiatives 3. Discover and identify corporate speaking and award opportunities to share ALP’s story 4. Manage agency partners to plan and execute PR campaigns aligned with the communications strategy 5. Engage and foster relationships with local and global communications counterparts to create influential and positive outcomes 6. Collaborate with the in-house legal team to coordinate contract negotiation and fulfilment with external partner Who you are... 1. Innovative, strategic thinker who is motivated to execute exceptionally and work independently within a fast-paced environment 2. Highly detail-oriented problem-solver who reacts fast and finds solutions when others may already give up 3. Enthusiastic and energetic storyteller who creates strong connections with others and empowers others 4. Trustworthy and virtual information center that encourages and looks after others What skills are required... 1. Minimum 8 years of proving experience in PR/MKT field in commercial or PR Consultancy 2. Experience in managing a large set of internal stakeholders, external partners, media, industrial associations, and respective agents 3. Synthesize complex concepts to create key messages that are consistent but tailored to various stakeholders 4. Good track record in Brand communication and PR management 5. Experience in tradeshow and event management. 6. Fluent in English and Mandarin Preferred Skills or Experience... 1. Work experiences in SEA 2. Experience in B2B industry will be a plus.

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10/03 資深應付會計丨Senior Account Payable

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

/財稅等相關科系學士或碩士,或在學期間修過中會 2. 具事務所或營造、物流等產業經驗經驗佳 3. 熟悉Excel,基本函數如Vlookup, Sumif, index等 4. IFRS會計公報、營業稅/營所稅法相關知識 5. 具備良好中、英讀寫能力

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10/03 軟體架構師丨Software Architect

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

願意主動幫助其他同事 永聯物流開發的願景是「Change For Better」,並以「讓物流產業更簡單、更聰明、更永續」為目標,我們期待不同專業人才互相激盪,產出不同火花,歡迎你來探索,找尋人生職場更多可能性。 What skills are

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10/03 資深網管工程師丨Senior Infra Engineer

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

事 4. 團隊合作,與同伴一同解決問題,迎接新的科技挑戰 永聯物流開發的願景是「Change For Better」,並以「讓物流產業更簡單、更聰明、更永續」為目標,我們期待不同專業人才互相激盪,產出不同火花,歡迎你來探索,找尋人生職場更多可能性

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 楊梅營建工程師 丨Construction Management

  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

About the role... 這個職位負責協助公司的產品開發—「智慧物流倉儲」的營建工程管理,藉由團隊合作,管理現場的工程專案進度,是一個現場監督並協助解決問題的重要角色。除了要求本身專業知識與工作經驗外,善於溝通的特質會使這個角色在內外

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 產品經理丨Product Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

About the role… 永聯物流開發致力於「運用科技將原有產業升級且規模化」。身為創新先驅,我們正在打造一系列前瞻性數位產品,為地產、倉儲等核心事業群注入科技活力,打造顛覆性的商業模式,創造智慧化產業的新價值。 作為永聯物流開發的數位

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 JAVA後端程式設計師 丨Backend Engineer

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

式串起每個系統。 Who you are... 1. 喜歡學習,願意不斷吸收技術新知與產業知識 2. 擅長溝通,願意理解並整合不同需求 3. 勇於承擔,願意主動幫助其他同事 永聯物流開發的願景是「Change For Better」,並以「

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 營建工程管理工地主任丨Construction Manager

  • 桃園市大溪區
  • 5年以上
  • 專科

About the role... 工地主任負責協助公司的產品開發—「智慧物流倉儲」的營建工程,是一個工程專案管理與現場監督的重要角色。除了要求本身專業知識與現場管理經驗外,善於溝通的特質會使這個角色在內外溝通上更得心應手。 What you

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10/03 Finance Manager

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 8年以上
  • 大學

About the role... ALP has been evolving and pioneering in comprehensive automated logistics solutions in Taiwan and has started its expansion in Southeast Asia in Malaysia, Thailand, etc. In the current dynamic business environment, our decision-making heavily relies on timely and accurate information with insightful analysis. The Finance Manager will assist the Head of the Finance & Accounting team in managing the group's financial activities, including fund management and financial analysis. This role involves leading the finance and funds team to execute their responsibilities efficiently. In addition to the numerical and analytical skills, your interpersonal communication skills with different BUs and overseas affiliates/ subsidiaries will be crucial for this position. What you will do... Fund Management: 1. Consolidate and update cash flow forecasts. 2. Plan and negotiate banking facilities. 3. Respond to inquiries during periodic bank reviews. 4. Manage the issuance and receipt of guarantee notes. Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A): 1. Prepare and monitor annual budgets and manage the budgeting system. 2. Develop long-term financial forecasts. 3. Prepare monthly business reports. 4. Prepare materials for board meetings. 5. Handle other special projects (e.g., impairment testing). Who you are... 1. Good understanding of accounting and finance 2. Self-motivated, proactive, and able to work independently 3. Detail-oriented 4. Logical, analytical with good numerical skills 5. Good interpersonal/ communication skills 6. Adaptive to changes; ability to work within a fast-paced, hyper-growth environment

待遇面議 員工150人
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10/03 法務丨Legal Specialist

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

About the role... Ally Logistic Property is seeking a Legal Specialist with 2-3 years of relevant work experience to assist in contract review and management, and to provide daily legal support. The ideal candidate should have a positive attitude, excellent communication skills, and solid legal knowledge, with the ability to complete tasks meticulously and responsibly. What you will do... 1. Assist in reviewing and drafting various types of contracts, including but not limited to construction contracts, commercial contracts, lease agreements, and employment contracts 2. Provide daily legal support, assist in handling legal and corporate governance documents, and other legal-related paperwork 3. Assist in handling legal disputes and prepare litigation materials 4. Assist in updating company legal documents and policies to ensure compliance with the latest legal requirements 5. Collaborate with external lawyers and legal advisors to ensure the provision of high-quality legal services 6. Participate in internal legal training sessions Who you are... 1. Positive personality with a serious and responsible work attitude 2. Excellent communication and coordination skills, able to effectively collaborate with various departments 3. Good time management skills and the ability to work under pressure What skills are required... 1. Bachelor's degree or above in a law-related field 2. 2-3 years of legal work experience, with a preference for candidates with contract review experience 3. Familiarity with Taiwanese laws and regulations, with strong legal research and analytical skills 4. Proficiency in Microsoft 365 5. Proficiency in English communication is preferred

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