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9/19 Computer Vision Algorithm Engineer | 電腦視覺演算法工程師

  • 新北市汐止區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

、開放 (Be Open)、信任與尊重 (Trust and Respect) 的組織文化,彼此互相學習,氣氛融洽。 [關於職務] 你有影像處理經驗?喜歡碰演算法底層實作? iGuard 提供給你多樣化檢測的發揮舞臺! 這位電腦視覺演算法工程師

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9/13 機器學習與電腦視覺演算法工程師

  • 新竹縣竹北市
  • 2年以上
  • 碩士

1. We are looking for Machine Learning/Deep Learning engineers. 2. This is a technical role, and it requires a high willingness to learn state-of-the-art AI techniques and a skill to apply AI techniques to medical applications. 3. This job opening encompasses a wide range of end-to-end ML pipeline activities, including framing AI problems, data collection/preprocess/exploration, model development/evaluation, model deployment/monitor. 4. Our major responsibilities include (1) landing AI in medical service (2) publication at top conference/journal (AACR, USCAP, Nature, IEEE, ICLR, ICML…).

待遇面議 員工30人
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9/16 【G】電腦視覺演算法工程師

  • 新北市土城區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

3. 視覺檢測開發工具以及監控軟體開發,方便操作者快速調整演算法及參數並提供即時監控。 4. 確保檢測系統能夠正常運行,提高生產效率,分析誤判問題。 5. 與團隊成員緊密合作,以確保項目按計劃完成。 6. 研究新的技術和解決方案,以提高系統的性能和

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9/12 演算法開發工程師

  • 台北市大安區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

【工作內容】 1. 研究與開發無線通訊信號處理演算法 2. 因應產品規畫進行演算法優化與調整 【具備能力】 1.熟悉電腦視覺、訊號辨識與訊號特徵處理相關應用開發 2.熟悉 Python/C++/C 3.具備數位訊號處理(DSP)、演算法背景 4

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9/19 研發工程類-電腦視覺演算法工程師/主管 Computer Vision Engineer/Supervisor

  • 桃園市龜山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

• Degree or higher in Engineering or Science disciplines (or any degree with courses on pattern recognition and imaging processing) • Good logical thinking and analytical mind • Experience in C/C++ and Windows programming • Have a good command of written and spoken English • Be independent, initiative, performance-driven • Responsible for conducting research and development in computer vision technology, machine learning technology, advanced vision algorithms and applications for machine automation and visual inspection • Experience in machine learning related tools such as Tensor Flow, Theano, Matlab, OpenCV etc. will be a plus

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9/13 CV Algorithm Engineer 電腦視覺演算法工程師

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Key Responsibilities: • Develop and enhance computer vision algorithms. • Focus on mesh building and object tracking. Required Skills: • Proficiency in OpenCV and C/C++. • Strong understanding of camera calibration theory and tools. Nice to Have: • Experience with feature detection methods (e.g., SIFT, ORB). • Knowledge of optimization theories (e.g., Gaussian Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, Gradient descent, Lagrangian multiplier, conjugate gradients). • Familiarity with 3D techniques such as vSLAM, SFM VO/VIO (e.g., PnP, ICP, COLMAP, ORB-SLAM, VINS-Mono, Gaussian splatting). • Methods for mesh building (e.g., TSDF, Marching cube). • Experience with deep learning tools (e.g., Pytorch, Tensorflow). **Why Join Us?** • Work on innovative projects. • Collaborate with a dynamic and talented team. • Opportunity for professional growth and development.

待遇面議 員工100人
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9/13 演算法工程師 Algorithm engineer

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 3年以上
  • 大學

We are seeking skilled algorithm engineer to collaborate with us to enhance our social media platform and user experiences while maximizing opportunities for monetization. Responsibilities - Work with large-scale datasets and develop machine learning models to solve complex problems related to social media and streaming applications. - Build end-to-end analytical solutions that are highly available, scalable and stable. - Prototyping of new ideas, implementing algorithms models in a production environment and then monitoring and maintaining them. - Explore and develop innovative analysis, forecasting, and optimization strategies to improve the quality of advertising products. Requirements - 3+ years industry experience and advanced degree in quantitative discipline (e.g., Statistics, Operations Research, Economics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics) or equivalent practical experience. - Strong knowledge in Python and familiar with at least one of the other mainstream programming language (Go Java, C++ etc.). - Experience in data analysis and visualization and strong knowledge in SQL - Experience with statistical and machine learning models. - Proven knowledge of deep learning and experience hosting and deploying ML solutions (e.g., for training, tuning, and inferences)

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9/16 [研發部] 演算法工程師

  • 桃園市桃園區
  • 2年以上
  • 大學

職務描述: * 負責軟體演算法的設計與優化。 * 解決軟體開發中的技術難點。 * 進行計算幾何相關的優化工作。 * 配合團隊完成產品的設計、開發及維護工作。 * 參與軟體需求分析,提出技術解決方案。 職務要求: * 計算機科學、軟體工程或相

待遇面議 員工40人 遠端工作
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9/19 駐香港科研中心-研發工程類-電腦視覺演算法工程師 Computer Vision Engineer (AI / 3D)

  • 香港特別行政區
  • 1年以上
  • 大學

Working Location: Hong Kong (with 3 years' free apartment services) 工作地點:香港(提供3年免費住宿) Job description: AI / Computer Vision Engineer • Work in a team to perform R&D in Deep Learning, Machine Learning, computer vision and image understanding algorithms, including advanced data augmentation and sample synthesis autonomous training AI training data distribution analysis, training process optimization and feature reduction high speed training using self-supervised, few shot, semi-supervised, and meta learning study advanced convolution neural network architecture, GAN, transformer model interpret mode prediction by exploratory analysis and visualization accelerate model inference and training with cutting edge hardware accelerators • Contribute to the highly motivated, passionate AI algorithm team to enable product intelligence • Applications of image classification, object recognition, sematic segmentation, image super resolution 3D Computer Vision Engineer • Work in a team to develop 3D vision products • Research latest 3D sensing, reconstruction, metrology technologies Algorithm development System design • Build innovative 3D products basing on: nano-precision digital hologram high resolution chromatic confocal imaging, scanning confocal imaging high-precision white light interferometry, laser interferometry high speed stereo, structural light imaging Requirement: • PhD/MPhil Degree in Computer Science / Optical Engineering / Computer Engineering / Electronic Engineering / Mechanical Engineering/ Information Technology / Mathematics / Physical or relevant disciplines • Proficient in programming on C/C++ or Python • Good team worker and self‐motivated AI / Computer Vision Engineer • Interested in deep learning / machine learning / computer vision / image understanding algorithms • Have strong passion in transforming research results to solve real world challenges • Advanced troubleshooting skills 3D Computer Vision Engineer • Interested in*: deriving mathematical formulas /algorithms building a practical 3D vision solution problem solving **Senior grade would be offered to the candidates with strong background or relevant working experiences

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9/16 AR演算法工程師

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

宇萌創立以來一直致力於AR/VR/MR技術,我們開發的marq+AR平台擁有數百萬次用戶體驗,並且有豐富的AR應用與平台開發經驗。 我們需要喜歡AR,身為工程師卻又有豐富想像力的你加入我們!如果你對影像辨識演算法具有經驗與相關能力,對AR互動科

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9/18 資深感知演算法工程師 /Senior Perception Algorithm Engineer

  • 新北市三重區
  • 3年以上
  • 碩士

定和實施 • 負責與其他模組(如硬體、演算法、軟體等)的系統整合和調試 • 負責相關技術文件的撰寫 任職要求: 1. 具備目標檢測、語義分割、3D物體檢測等方向應用經驗;熟悉電腦視覺領域的常見演算法模型(如目標檢測、目標追蹤、圖像分割等演算法

待遇面議 員工35人 遠端工作 距捷運三重站約290公尺
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9/18 音訊演算法開發工程師

  • 新竹市
  • 3年以上
  • 碩士

●學歷要求: 研究所以上畢業。 ●科系要求: 電子、電機、資工、通訊、電信、自動控制相關科系,或相關工作3年以上經驗者。 ●具下列任一條件者佳: (1) 具有音訊處理相關演算法經驗或濃厚興趣者 (2) 熟悉錄音工程與播放工程

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9/18 演算法工程師

  • 台中市北屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學


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