














DDG方策是一家結合策略性思考、國際化視角和突破性創意的品牌顧問公司。我們透過品牌策略為客戶找出隱而未顯的價值,以創意協助客戶具體化品牌的各種面貌,包含視覺設計與公關行銷的內容規劃與操作。在20多年間,我們提供全方位品牌策劃與執行方案,協助了數百個品牌提升品牌競爭力,打入目標市場,持續與企業共創品牌成長。 DDG長年協助台灣企業國際化,也促使DDG多次得到國際獎項REBRAND 100®的認證,也是大中華區首次入選REBRAND名人堂(REBRAND Hall of Fame™)的顧問公司。DDG更致力於在台灣本土推廣Branding的觀念與價值。除了定期於媒體上分享品牌經營趨勢與觀點,更常與主流媒體和各大組織合作,如經理人、商研院(CDRI)、數位時代、台灣精品品牌協會(TEBA)等,進行品牌相關議題的演講與對談,持續引領台灣品牌思維。 At DDG, we help ambitious companies unveil their greatness — uncovering insights and opportunities that energize brands and businesses. DDG is a Taipei-based brand consulting company with extensive experience in strategic brand consulting and creative design-for-branding solutions for over 25 years. We combine insightful strategy with inspiring design, creative communications to deliver powerful ideas that transform the way companies think, work and connect with their customers. For more information please visit:


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工作環境: 室內綠化植栽、包括策略/溝通內容/設計等藏書區、每樓層皆備有舒適員工休憩區域、SAYL Chair個人人體工學椅、專供咖啡/水果/零食等綜合吧台、獨立手工工作檯面、每周固定外聘清潔人員…等。 福利津貼: 年假12天起計、三節禮金、結婚禮金、生育禮金、醫療慰問金、員工健檢補助金、滿年資之旅遊補助及特給假、員工小額無息貸款、颱風給薪假、五一有薪假、員工訓練公假。 學習領域: 公費參與外部訓練活動及相關課程、提供個人領域所需軟體、DDG DAY Presentation、各部門專案經驗分析workshop。 休閒娛樂: Drink & Think Event、部門聚餐、每季公司活動…等。 其他項目:帶小孩上班。 媒體報導: 躍登國際舞台、再造成長動能,台灣 B2B 企業如何用品牌突圍?/數位時代 【設計新商業】不要老是想要做漂亮的設計作品/設計關鍵字 Podcast 台灣品牌里程碑新頁!DDG 獲 2024 Rebrand 100® 全球品牌再造專案最大獎/動腦雜誌 王品「聚 日式鍋物」全台首間形象店開幕!歷經品牌再造,打造以「條通文化」為靈感的相聚空間/Shopping Design 【專欄】老字號不好嗎?為什麼奇美、路易莎都在做品牌再造?/數位時代


DDG正在尋找對於品牌設計有熱情,並對動態設計有充分的掌握度,擅於在2D與3D之間探索切換的動態設計師。一起在開放交流、鼓勵學習的環境中與專業的國際團隊合作,創造品牌設計的更多可能,同時協助台灣企業提升品牌形象,最大化創意與美學的商業影響力! 【工作內容】 - 與設計團隊一起發想視覺概念 - 腳本發想與動畫執行 - 與創意總監、設計師、攝影製作團隊、配樂與旁白協作完成作品 - 參與專案討論,提供專案規劃與創意執行的相關建議 - 在期限內完成專案任務並確保品質 【專業要求】 - 二年以上工作經驗,有實際參與專案之作品成果 - 具有創作能力,發展視覺表現與分鏡 - 能獨立執行作業,也善於團隊合作 - 跨領域的思考,能夠在文字概念、視覺畫面、時間軸與空間維度中自由轉換 - 加分軟體:Blender, Midjourney (其他請列舉) 如果你對於將品牌視覺轉換為精彩的動態影像充滿熱情,渴望創意的舞台與挑戰,願意在工作中持續充實自己,與夥伴交流分享,全職兼職接案都可以,歡迎你來找我們聊聊,一起讓設計更有影響力。
DDG is seeking a Brand Strategist to join our team. We’re looking for a confident, self-motivated problem solver who has excellent attention to detail and takes on challenges with enthusiasm. As a member of the strategy team, you’ll support and lead projects that turn ordinary companies into extraordinary, memorable, and impactful brands. You’ll have great research, observation and organization skills, a solid understanding of branding and strategy, and a determination to build your career in this field. If you are eager to sharpen and apply your critical thinking and insights to help Taiwanese brands succeed, we welcome you to join us, unveil your greatness, and create outstanding work with the DDG team. Roles and Responsibilities - Solve clients' brand development challenges; develop a brand strategy that supports business growth - Lead and work closely with designers and communication/PR strategists, including conducting internal reviews of work in progress, to create comprehensive solutions and build well-rounded brands - Lead client meetings to help teams discuss, decide, or reach a consensus or conclusion to make progress with clarity - Conduct in-depth interviews, secondary data collection, industry analysis, qualitative research, workshops, and training sessions - Provide advice on business operations and marketing efforts - Maintain a good working relationship with clients Required Skills - Great critical thinking with excellent analytical skills - Enthusiastic towards challenges with a willingness to collaborate and learn - More than five years of experience developing brand or marketing strategies - An understanding of business and organizational management - Consistently follow the developments of global and Taiwanese markets - Experience conducting industry analysis, developing brand strategy and positioning, and planning marketing and public relations activities - Experience in qualitative and quantitative research and the ability to evaluate which research methods are most suitable for the project at hand - Able to speak and present in front of people confidently - Can write reports and proposals clearly and concisely - Native-level Chinese and full working proficiency English abilities, including reading, listening, speaking, and writing DDG 的品牌策略部門正在尋找品牌策略顧問,與我們一起帶領企業探討品牌發展方向,制定精準且能支持商業成長的品牌策略,幫助企業成為有影響力的品牌。 作為品牌策略部門的一員,我們期待你是一位自信且具有自我驅動力的人,你需要擁有研究、觀察與訊息處理的能力,同時對品牌及品牌策略都有高度的理解力,帶領專案參與成員,探索最佳解決方案。如果你渴望鍛鍊自身洞察力與批判性思維,幫助企業與 DDG 夥伴實現成功,歡迎加入我們,共同激盪,創造卓越的品牌價值。Unveil your greatness! 工作職責 - 解決客戶品牌發展挑戰,發展出精準且能支持商業成長的品牌策略 - 引領溝通、設計與公關團隊一同解決客戶問題,並確保專案品質 - 主持客戶會議,帶領討論並形成共識 - 主持並執行策略討論工作坊與教育訓練 - 中英文深度訪談 - 針對專案進行既有資料搜集、產業現況了解與質化研究 - 提供企業經營與行銷相關建議 - 與客戶維持良好信賴關係 基本條件 - 五年以上協助企業建構品牌策略與行銷策略 - 具有基本商業與組織管理思維,並渴望學習更多 - 長期關注國際與台灣市場脈動 - 擁有產業分析、品牌定位、品牌策略擬定、行銷推廣、公關活動等實務經驗 - 擁有質化和量化分析經驗,可評估最適合特定專案的研究方法 - 流暢中英文聽說能力 - 報告與提案撰寫能力 - 善於理性思考、客觀剖析,能提出具有意義的個人觀點 - 擁有豐富報告與提案經驗,能在大眾面前自信演說
DDG is seeking a bilingual Communications Strategist with solid experience in brand communications and content development. The ideal candidate is a strategic thinker, articulate writer, and a good collaborator. As Communication Strategists, we practice effective communication to deliver messages and content that drive brand success. In this role, you will work with other strategists and creatives and lead the communications work for client projects. Your work will include a variety of writing disciplines and will require excellent project management, coordination, and implementation skills. If you are eager to build a career in leading and shaping brand communication for Taiwanese companies to advance their brands and marketing efforts, join us. Roles and Responsibilities - Defining communications strategy and developing content that aligns with the goals of each project. - Working closely with strategists and creatives, bridging brand strategy, creative work, and content to ensure comprehensive brand development aligns with the goals of each project. - Planning and executing work systematically, including sourcing, collecting, and organizing information through interviews, surveys, and research. - Developing creative copy and content including (but not limited to) naming, slogans, key messages, brand and product introductions, press releases, marketing materials, and websites for various businesses. - Working independently to complete copy for time-sensitive projects and other projects not requiring close teamwork. - Overseeing and proofreading all project deliverables containing English copy, including DDG's own-use marketing copy, such as articles, case studies, press releases, and website pages. - Other work includes coordinating with various teams, preparing presentation materials, and other ad hoc tasks. Requirements - 3+ years’ experience in marketing or a related industry - Native English proficiency (spoken and written) - Fluency in spoken Mandarin Chinese - Experience conducting interviews and research as part of shaping strategy and sourcing content for writing - Experience in presenting research results, ideas, concepts, and strategies articulately - Strong interpersonal communication skills and experience working with designers and production teams. - The ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously while being organized and thorough - Tertiary-level education, preferably in marketing, communications, or journalism