譜瑞科技股份有限公司為一專供多種普及顯示器以及個人電腦、消費性電子產品與顯示面板所使用之高速訊號傳輸介面標準之混和訊號IC晶片之領導供應商。譜瑞公司成立於西元2005年為一無自有晶圓廠之半導體公司,並於西元2011年股票在台灣櫃檯買賣中心正式掛牌交易(股票代號: 4966)。譜瑞公司的IC晶片產品組合可支援顯示產品,儲存設備以及介面應用所使用之HDMI™, DisplayPort™, SATA, 與USB等傳輸介面規範之IC晶片成長需求。
Parade Technologies, Ltd. is a leading supplier of mixed-signal ICs for a variety of popular display and high-speed interface standards used in computers, consumer electronics and display panels. The fabless semiconductor company was founded in 2005 and publicly listed on Taiwan’s GreTai Securities Market (GTSM) in 2011 (stock code: 4966). Parade’s portfolio of IC products serves the growing demand for HDMI™, DisplayPort™, SATA, and USB ICs for display, storage and interface applications.
Tomofun是一間國際化的寵物科技新創公司,由Victor Chang及Maggie Cheung共同成立,並由趨勢科技創辦人Steve作為Mentor,運用最先進的技術-IoT物聯網、AI人工智慧、雲端大數據等,致力於帶給全世界寵物飼主源源不絕的歡樂與創新!
隨著銷售版圖的擴增,我們不斷地獲得許多知名媒體報導與肯定(Forbes, Techcrunch, Inc., The New York Times, WIRED, CNBC…等),也吸引了亞馬遜等大型企業主動洽詢合作機會. 並且於美國知名脫口秀節目”The Ellen show”上被譽為「所有愛狗人士的亞馬遜夢想購物清單第一名」。
Tomofun團隊重視五大文化:Fun、Open-minded、Explore、Agile與Customer Love。在這裡歡迎帶寵物一起上班,彈性上下班,團隊每個人都是掌握自己工作與生活平衡的主人!隨著公司不斷茁壯,我們也期許團隊每個人一起成長,成為各領域的佼佼者。如果你也認同我們的熱情與理念,現在就加入我們,一起創造更多與毛孩子相伴的幸福生活吧!
Tomofun is a pet technology company, founded by Victor Chang and Maggie Cheung, with Steve Chang, Chairman of Trend Micro, as Mentor, dedicated to bringing joy and innovation to every pet lover in the world. Our flagship product, Furbo - the world's first treat-popping dog camera - creates a simple way for dog parents and their furry loved ones to always be together. It brings together all the latest technologies such as IoT, cloud computing, and AI to truly revolutionize the way we interact with our pets remotely!
Our relationship with our pets is truly one of a kind and Furbo is made to celebrate this bond. Designed to help dog parents care for their pups in real time at all time, Furbo allows parents to play with their pups from anywhere in the world, which relieves parents' concerns about their pups at home alone.
Furbo's high-profile recognition expands overseas. Furbo is the most successful pet tech project on crowdfunding (indiegogo.com/projects/furbo-world-s-best-treat-tossing-dog-camera-video); we have raised over $500,000 in 2 months and that makes us the most successful pet tech product ever on Indiegogo or Kickstarter! With the stamp of approval from pet lovers all over the world, we are looking for energetic and talented people to join our rapidly expanding team. Tomofun is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan with offices in Seattle, Vancouver, and Tokyo.
Beyond the media coverage we have received from Digital Times, One-Magazine, Economic Times, and United News, etc. in Taiwan, we've also received international recognition from major media such as TechCrunch, CNET, The New York Times, Yahoo, The Next Web, The Verge, Huffington Post and more. Our success has intrigued the Amazon Exclusives team to inquire about the opportunity for collaborations. Our next step is to launch Furbo on Amazon in the US, CA, and UK.
Join our pack! Because life is simply better with our furry loved ones.
Media are talking about us:
"Furbo lets you spoil your pup remotely"- The Verge
"That's where the Furbo comes in. It's an Internet-connected video camera that can remotely dispense treats at the tap of a button."- CNET
"The #1 gift on every pet-lover's Amazon wishlist, #Furbo!" -Ellen Degeneres, host of "The Ellen Show"
Other Media Coverage:
◆ Forbes - "The Furbo Dog Camera Just Got Even Better With Its New Dog Nanny Service": https://reurl.cc/WWZ35
◆ CNBC: https://reurl.cc/0n8xM
◆ 天下雜誌: https://reurl.cc/GDRod